Sunday, November 6, 2011

In responce to one person's question online

So someone on Yahoo Answers has recently posted for advice on what to feed his cat, because apparently normal cat food is not good enough or he is just curious about sharing his meals with his cat. His question, "What foods do cats like to eat that humans also eat?"

This, I think, is a no-brainer. What do hungry cats like to eat? Everything they can! The difference between what cats should eat and what cats end up eating will most likely result in a pretty big gap when said cat is not being fed one of its "prescribed" owner meals. For instance, I once caught my cat eating blades of grass from our back yard. My cat cannot process grass, but that doesn't stop her! Not even when she throws up. When she is hungry or bored or grass is just there, which is usually is, she will eat it! However, this is not the sort of advice that an owner of a cat can use when considering meals to share with his cat, so let's consider some other advice given.

One person suggested that he feed his cat, "egg yolks" because they are safe when "scrambled, but boiled egg whites are hard to digest (even for humans) so I avoid those." Alrightie then, no egg whites. Ever. He also suggests that if the owners cat has to take pills, he should cover them in butter to that the cat, "will think they are getting a treat and I don't have to force the pill down their throat." Right, ok.

Another poster suggested jello, because his cat loves it. "With fruit if possible."

Another one comments that he was eating cake when his cat came over and starting, "licking the cream", so maybe cats eat frosting....

From what I've experienced, it really doesn't matter what you feed your cat. They're bound to eat anything they can put in their mouths. So if you like cake, save some for them.


  1. I have a friend who has to share all her apples with her cat. Strange. And my old cat used to love corn.

    It's tempting to think that animals have self-regulating diets--that they know something we don't know about what to eat and what not to eat. But if that were the case, there wouldn't be so many 30-pound cats waddling around.

  2. (I hasten to add, that's OUR fault, of course. For feeding our cats Jell-O.)
