Sunday, October 2, 2011

Check this out! at least one will surprise you

When I was browsing through the Internet, I got to this page where they listed 10 worst and best foods. At first I skimmed over the best food and felt like they were listing the obvious, commonly known healthy foods. In other other side, the worst foods also seemed like they listed the typical high calories, sugar heavy food. No surprise, yet...

The "Best foods" included 1. Sweet Potatoes, 2. Mango, 3. Unsweetened Greek Yogurt, 4. Broccoli, 5. Wild Salmon, 6. Crispbreads, 7. Garbanzo Beans, 8. Watermelon, 9. Butternut Squash, 10. Leafy Greens. Foods under the heading "Best food" listed all the minerals like potassium, fibers, and vitamins that are dietarily essential. There was no surprise. They're all vegetables, heart-healthy foods.
On the left, there were few convenience food, Chipotle Chicken Burrito, Cheesecake Factory, Starbucks, and ice cream in the 10 "Worst Food" list. Just looking at this list sounds redundant right? You've probably heard about these being not the best high quality food for you to eat million times. Even though I know how bad they are, I do occasionally go into cheesecake factory and Starbucks to get something. Knowing that, reading the actually description of why they are listed as the "Worst food" surprised me.

5. Factory Reject

People don’t expect light desserts at The Cheesecake Factory. But the Chocolate Tower Truffle Cake kicks things up a notch. If it weren’t served on its side, this one would stand over six inches tall. And upright or not, the slab of cake still weighs in at three-quarters of a pound. What do you get for all that heft? Just 1,760 calories and 2½ days’ worth of saturated fat (50 grams), mostly from chocolate, sugar, cream, white flour, and butter.

Yikes... Looks like I won't be going to Cheesecake Factory and Starbucks for a while...

check this website out, what surprised you?

1 comment:

  1. My husband loves this blog:
    I think it helps him feel righteous, when he has only one normal-sized bowl of ice cream.
